Service-Learning Experience Days
Elevate your Israel program by incorporating a transformative social action and service learning element with Yahel. With 14 years of experience in the social change field in Israel, we are able to leverage our vast network of partner organizations to incorporate volunteering experiences that offer in-depth exposure and understanding of social issues and minority groups in Israeli society. Your group will have the chance to support local communities, through working on projects such as clean-up, organizing, crafting, and more. The service learning with Yahel includes exploring the importance of serving others, contextualizing your volunteering, and gaining a deeper understanding of Israeli society through impactful meetings with changemakers from across Israel’s diverse communities. Seminars offered include an introduction to Ethiopian Jews in Israel, social change in Israel’s Bedouin and Druze communities, understanding different models of social change and their impact, Jewish pluralism in Israel, food security and more.
There is no better way to nurture your community other than using your hands – going there and being in the place itself. And that’s what Yahel does – we do the work; we impact communities, and it makes a difference
Rachel Wankser