High School Programs
Yahel partners with camps and high schools wishing to offer service based programs in Israel. Our close relationship with local organizations and activists means that we are able to deliver relevant, tailored programs to each camp or school. By working closely with our partners in Israel, we are able to design experiences that ensure students are safe, authentically immersed in local culture, and contributing to sustainable projects that directly affect the community. Whether it’s strolling through a Druze village, volunteering in community gardens, or indulging in great conversation and local delicacies at their host family's house, participants experience something new every day. See below for examples of past programs, and reach out to our team to discuss options and begin designing your group's tailored itinerary.

NOAM UK and Yahel Israel are very excited to collaborate on a unique four day service program. The program is based in the Galilee and focuses on minorities, diversity and community empowerment work in Israel. Participants have the opportunity to volunteer in three Druze towns in the north and learn about the strengths and challenges of the Druze population in Israeli society through an immersive and hands-on experience.
Examples of Past Trips
Camp Tawonga
For three years Yahel partnered with Camp Tawonga, a Jewish summer camp based in California, for a 4-week summer service learning program for high school students entering 11th and 12th grade. The program was open to teens from across North America.
Run in collaboration with our Israeli partners Friends by Nature and Horizons for the Future, the program provided teens with the unique opportunity to build relationships, volunteer, and travel side-by-side with Ethiopian Israeli and Druze teens. The programs were based in Gedera and in Yavneh and in both places the groups worked on community gardening projects, providing engaging cross-cultural exchanges and experiences for the entire group.
B’nai Jeshurun congregation of NY
Yahel ran a 10 day program with the teens from B’nai Jeshurun congregation of NY where US and Israeli teens worked alongside each other building an outdoor oven and other projects in a local community garden. In addition to their volunteer work, they met with local activists and leaders in Gedera and had the opportunity to experience first-hand the unique Ethiopian Jewish culture. Accompanied by Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein, the teens engaged with social justice issues through a Jewish lens and deepened their understanding of Judaism’s relationship to social change work.
“Working with Yahel was an amazing and richly rewarding experience. It was clear from the start that partnering with Yahel was the only way to go in terms of a true collaborative community-based service learning experience in Israel. The care with which Yahel cultivates their relationships and works with program partners is exemplary. During the course of our trip we felt so supported by Yahel at each step of the way. From the well-organized itinerary to the wonderful educators and staff to the flexibility it was a top-notch experience. We will definitely be working with Yahel again and feel proud to have them as a partner in this work”
Aaron Mandel, Camp Tawonga

Work with us to create your tailor-made trip!
Please e-mail us at info@yahelisrael.com or Contact Us